Can Dogs Eat Raspberries? Are These Yummy Fruits Safe?

Can dogs eat raspberries

Raspberries are absolutely one of my favorite fruits. Sweet yet sharp they’re a great addition to fruit salads, drinks, and cakes. And of course – raspberry jam! But what happens if you have a raspberry bush in your yard and your pup eats a couple? Is that cause for concern? Can dogs eat raspberries? How many should you give them? Here’s exactly what you need to know about giving your dog raspberries. 

Can Dogs Have Raspberries?

The short (and sweet) of it is that yes, dogs can have raspberries. But like other fruits such as peaches and pineapple, moderation is key. 

As an occasional treat, raspberries are a great addition to your dog’s diet. Their unique taste adds variety to your pup’s normal food and they’re sure to love them. But raspberries also contain natural sugar which doggos don’t really need in their diet.

Health Benefits of Giving Your Dog Raspberries

There are lots of positives to both humans and dogs eating raspberries. Not only are they delicious, but they also contain lots of antioxidants, dietary fiber, and vitamins. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits of these healthy fruits in detail.


Raspberries have a higher level of antioxidants than many other fruits. They contain high levels of vitamin C, quercetin, flavonoids, and ellagic acid. These antioxidants can help to reduce swelling and boost immune systems. Some experts even claim they can reduce the growth of certain cancers. 

If you’ve got an older pup, they can really benefit from healthy snacks that contain many antioxidants. These can help to reduce swelling in joints and inflammation caused by arthritis. These little red fruits can also help brain health.

Dietary Fiber

Fiber is a really important part of a doggy diet. Whilst your pooch should be getting most of the fiber they need from a well-rounded diet, fiber-rich treats are also a good idea. Raspberries contain a good amount of fiber which helps with digestive health. The fiber can’t be dissolved by your pup which helps to keep the digestive tract active.

A fiber-rich diet is also good for overweight pups as it can help them to feel fuller for longer. If you’re concerned about your dog’s digestive system or are thinking of changing their diet, be sure to consult with your vet or doggie dietician first.

Vitamin K

K is a fat-soluble vitamin that can help with blood clotting and help prevent bleeding problems. It can also help with bone metabolism. 

B-Complex Vitamins

These types of vitamins are very important for heart function and coat health. They can also help your pup to have a healthy nervous system and metabolism. 

Dog eating

Negatives of Letting Your Dog Eat Raspberries

Most pup parents have heard of Xylitol and yes, it is toxic to dogs. It’s a sweetener that can be found in many fruits and vegetables and also many common foods love by pups such as certain peanut butters. High levels of this toxin can cause hypoglycemia and liver disease. 

Raspberries do contain a higher level of Xylitol, but even so, dogs would have to eat a lot of these delicious berries to experience Xylitol poisoning. 

If you’re worried about how many raspberries your dog has eaten or they seem to have a stomach upset (diarrhea, vomiting, or lethargy) talk to your veterinarian straight away.

What’s more, too many raspberries can also naturally upset your dog’s stomach (without it being poisonous). They contain sugar which your doggo may not be used to eating.

How To Feed Your Dog Raspberries

Raspberries are a great healthy snack that your dog will love. They’re also really versatile. 

It’s important you introduce your dog to new foods slowly. This can help you to see whether they really do like it (or not) and monitor any possible side effects of it. Depending on your dog’s size, give them half or a full raspberry and see how they like it. If they do, you can slowly add more of this yummy treat to their diet!

Giving your dog frozen raspberries on a hot day is another great way to serve up these berries. You could also try whipping them with watermelon and freezing the pupsicle inside an indestructible toy if your dog likes to chew. Your dog will have a lot of fun licking it all out!

Can Dogs Eat Raspberry Jam?

So, we know dogs can eat raspberries, but what about raspberry jam or canned raspberries?

You should really avoid giving your pup anything apart from fresh raspberries. Preserved or canned fruits often contain added sweeteners and sugar which can cause tooth decay, obesity, and diabetes. Sweet jam may also contain the dreaded Xylitol. 

How Many Raspberries Can You Feed Your Dog?

It’s always best to think about the 90/10 rule. 90% of what your pup eats should be coming from nutritious, formulated dog food that’s healthy for them to eat and the rest can be nutritious snacks. 

Of course, this means that how many raspberries your little Chihuahua can eat will differ a lot from your neighbor’s Great Dane. Just remember, a sweet treat is fine so long as the majority of your dog’s daily calories come from formulated dog food. 


So, Can Dogs Eat Raspberries?

Yes, it’s completely safe to feed your dog raspberries. In fact, there are many health benefits to doing so. The trick is to feed them to your dog in moderation. As an occasional treat, they are a great addition to your pup’s diet and are full of important antioxidants. 

They do contain sugar, though, and Xylitol which is toxic to dogs in large quantities. So make sure you don’t feed them too many!

Interested in other red fruits dogs can/can’t eat? Check out whether dogs can eat pomegranate!