Can Dogs Eat Plums? Here’s What You Need to Know


Plums are delicious, with a sweetness and tartness that’s common for stone fruits. It’s very tempting to share our favorite treats with our dogs, but not everything we enjoy is safe for dogs. So, can dogs eat plums? Unfortunately, the answer is- not really. But don’t be discouraged! There are parts of plums that are safe for dogs to eat as long as it’s an occasional treat. Keep reading to find out which part of the plum is safe for your pup and how to serve them this delicious fruit.

Can Dogs Eat Plums Whole?

It’s not safe for dogs to eat a whole plum. Just like other stone fruits, plums contain pits that are very toxic for dogs. Plum pits, just like cherry pits, contain a compound called amygdalin, which breaks down into a dangerous chemical known as hydrogen cyanide.

The effects of this chemical are so potent that dogs don’t even need to swallow plum pits to develop cyanide poisoning. Just biting into the plum pit will release the chemical and cause it to enter your dog’s system. This can lead to plum poisoning, which can lead to a variety of health problems.

Be sure to contact your vet immediately if your dog swallows a plum pit!

What’s Dangerous About Letting Dogs Eat Plums?

Along with the risk of cyanide poisoning, there are other risks associated with feeding plums to dogs. The pit is a serious choking hazard, especially for small dog breeds, since they typically have smaller esophagi.

Plum pits also tend to have sharp, almost serrated edges. If a dog swallows even one plum pit, it can damage the dog’s digestive tract. Eating several plum pits can cause severe damage and lead to a life-threatening intestinal blockage.

Eating plums can also cause stomach upset, gastric irritation, and induce vomiting. Basically, if you decide to give your pup any type of plum product, you’ll need to be very careful about how you do it, and always remember to remove the plum stones!

Can Dogs Eat Plums Without Pits?

Now that you know the risks of feeding plums to dogs because of the dangers associated with the plum stones, you may be wondering if it’s safe to serve your best friend products that don’t have the pits.

Plum flesh is technically safe for dogs to eat, and it can be a healthy snack in moderation. If your dog shows interest when you’re snacking on dried plums, then you can let them try a bit of that as well.

Just make sure this fruit doesn’t become a regular addition to your dog’s diet. While there are some health benefits to eating a fruit so rich in Vitamin C and other nutrients, like enhancing your dog’s immune system, there are also serious risks like weight gain and stomach upset.

can dogs eat plums

Can Dogs Eat Plums Safely?

Whether you decide to give your pup dried plums or some fresh plum flesh, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind. First, remember that this should only be an occasional treat.

Your pup needs a varied diet of fresh food to stay healthy, and treats like plums and other fruits should be kept to a minimum.

If your dog eats plums too frequently or in too large of a quantity, then they could develop plum poisoning because of the hydrogen cyanide. While the highest concentration of this chemical is in the plum stone, there are traces of this chemical in the flesh, so it’s best to give very small servings.

Signs that your dog consumed too much of this fruit include difficulty breathing, stomach problems, and lethargy. Always contact your vet if you’re concerned after feeding your dog a new food.

Feeding just dried plums may seem like the safer choice because you know there are no pits, but it’s actually no healthier than feeding them the flesh of the fruit. Plums, much like pomegranates, peaches, and dates, contain too much sugar.

Dogs don’t need high-sugar foods in their diet. Consuming too many foods high in natural sugars can lead to unregulated blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes or obesity.

Keeping the sugar content and other risks in mind, it’s best to only give your dog a few bites of plum every once in a blue moon. This really isn’t a treat they should indulge in often. Eating plums comes with a lot of health concerns, but it does come with a few benefits.

Are There Any Health Benefits for Dogs?

Plums are one of many healthy fruits that do have a few health benefits for dogs. Plums are an excellent source of antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin C, which can help your pup maintain their skin health and healthy digestion. It can also boost your pet’s immune system!

To make the most of these benefits, feed plums to your dog in moderation once every few weeks. To safely eat fresh plums, always remove the plum pit.

And, if you’re lucky enough to live near a plum tree and pick your own fruits, make sure to wash them thoroughly before offering the flesh to your pup.

Can Dogs Eat Prunes?

Did you know that all prunes are plums, but not all plums are prunes? Only certain varieties of plums are used to make prunes! Prunes aren’t toxic to dogs, but they’re still not super healthy.

Adding prunes to a dog’s diet too frequently can lead to stomach problems, weight gain, and blood sugar problems. Prunes also have high fiber and sugar content, just like figs, so they’re not the best choice for your pup.

green plums

Healthy Alternative Snacks for Dogs

Dogs eat people food all the time, but it doesn’t mean they should! Dog owners have to decide which food to share with their dogs and which aren’t worth the risk.

If you feed your dog plums in small quantities, then they probably won’t suffer an ill effect, but they might give you those irresistible sad eyes when they realize you aren’t sharing your food!

It’s helpful to have some healthy alternatives on hand you can feed your pup when they really want a treat and you really want to share with them. Many fruits have high levels of sugar, which can lead to a variety of issues when included in your pet’s diet.

However, there are a few fruits that are on the lower end of the sugar spectrum. Pineapples, apples, cantaloupes, and cranberries are all nice treats for your furry friend, so long as they’re prepared properly.

You can also let your dog eat small amounts of other table food, like ham or pork. As with any food, it’s all about ensuring you serve it in moderation and with the proper preparation.

So, Can Dogs Eat Plums?

There’s a lot of information to take in about whether different foods are safe for dogs. So, can dogs eat plums? Well, the answer is- it’s complicated. Eating the plum pit can cause serious issues like respiratory distress, stomach problems, kidney failure, and damage to the dog’s esophagus or intestines.

Even the fruit’s flesh can be dangerous because of its high sugar content. If you’re introducing plums to your dog, only give them a small amount of a dried plum or the flesh of the fruit.

There are some essential nutrients that will benefit your furry friends if eaten in moderation, but you should always be cautious of the risks.

Remember, there is plenty of other human food that you can share with your pup when you want to give them a treat. Check out our other articles discussing which foods are safe to give your dog and how to serve them on the BarkingTalk food page!