Can Dogs Eat Pasta? A Complete Guide

can dogs eat pasta

If Lady and the Tramp is anything to go by, then dogs love pasta. And how could they not? It’s certainly one of my favorite foods.

Spaghetti carbonara, putanesca, bolognese… there are so many delicious ways to enjoy pasta or noodles. But can dogs eat pasta? Should dogs eat pasta? And what are the nutritional benefits of potentially feeding it to dogs?

In this guide, we’re going to answer all your questions regarding pasta and your pooch. So that you can make the best decisions when it comes to your pet’s diet.

In Short, Can Dogs Eat Pasta?

Plain-cooked pasta or noodles are not toxic to dogs. Giving them the odd bit of pasta every now and again is not a problem. However, giving your dog lots of pasta is likely to lead to weight gain.

Pups should be getting most of their nutritional needs from specially formulated canine meals. The odd human treat can be a nice addition of flavor and texture.

Is Pasta Good for Dogs?

Pasta isn’t bad for dogs, as in it isn’t toxic to them, but it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily good for them either. Pasta is mainly made up of carbohydrates which can make them put on some pounds if they eat a lot of it.

There’s also not that much nutritional value to adding pasta to your dog’s diet. Whilst tasty, other fresh fruits and veggies such as cucumber or apple will be adding extra minerals and vitamins.

Even though it’s important that dogs have some carbohydrate sin their diet so they have the energy to run around in the park, they should really be getting them from good quality dog food.

It’s also worth mentioning that dogs with wheat allergies should not eat regular pasta. This will aggravate their allergy and lead to an upset stomach or other symptoms.

Can Dogs Eat Spaghetti Noodles?

Yes, but only if it’s plain spaghetti! Most of us boil our spaghetti in salted water that, whilst making it tastier, also makes it less healthy. Salt poisoning can be a big problem for doggos if they have a lot of it in their diet. So only give them plain, cooked noodles and leave off the sauce.

Can Dogs Eat Stuffed Pasta?

It’s best not to feed your dogs stuffed pasta. Even if you’ve checked that they don’t contain anything toxic such as onions or garlic, they often contain high levels of salt. They may also contain blue cheese or other ingredients which can be bad for dogs.

As ever, stick to plain, cooked pasta with no pasta sauce.

Can Dogs Eat Plain Pasta?

Yes! That’s really the only type of pasta you should be feeding your dog. It’s not the most nutritious of human snack choices but it’s not toxic to them either.

plain spaghetti

Tips for Feeding Your Dog Pasta

If you want to add some pasta to your dog’s food bowl, there are a couple of things to think about first.

Double Check With Your Vet. Before adding plain pasta to your pup’s diet it’s best to consult your vet. They’ll be able to check for possible allergies which could affect your dog’s stomach. They’ll also weigh your pooch to make sure they’re a healthy weight. Pups that need to lose a few pounds shouldn’t be eating pasta.

Introduce Slowly. Whenever you add new human foods to your dog’s diet it’s important to do it slowly. Obviously, after you’ve checked they’re not toxic. Give them a very small amount and then monitor for any signs of an allergy (vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, stomach pain).

Keep It Plain. Avoid any pasta sauces when giving your pup noodles. Things like tomato sauce could contain lots of salt, spices, and seasonings which could potentially be toxic. Creamy sauces could also be adding lots of extra calories to your dog’s meals.

Likewise, try no to add too much cheese as a topping to your pup’s pasta.

Cook It. No one likes eating raw pasta (whether you’re a canine or a human). Raw pasta could cause both dental and stomach problems. Cook it so it’s easier to digest and chew.

Add Some Veggies. Whilst you should keep your dog’s pasta free from sauces you could add some extra veggies for more of a nutrient boost. Veggies such as zucchini, peas, or asparagus can make a yummy and healthy addition.

How Much Pasta Can Dogs Eat?

As long as your pup isn’t overweight or has a wheat allergy it’s safe to feed them small amounts of pasta and egg noodles. Double-check with your vet or canine nutritionist but generally, you should follow the 10% rule.

90% of your dog’s diet should be healthy, well-balanced food such as fresh dog food, and 10% can be healthy human snacks. So, how much pasta your dog eats really depends on their breed and their usual daily intake.

Too much pasta can easily lead to weight gain and the health problems associated with it.

Can Dogs Eat Pasta Sauce?

Pet owners shouldn’t feed their dogs pasta with pasta sauce. Tomato sauce, carbonara, and even the simplest algio e oli can be toxic to dogs. And if not toxic, they’re often unhealthy.

We’ve said it a lot now, but dogs should really only eat plain pasta.

can dogs have spaghetti

Can Dogs Eat Low-Carb Pastas?

Anyone who has bought pasta at the store recently will know how many possible options there are. Low-carb pasta, that is made from chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, and whole wheat is sometimes a healthier option (and many are gluten-free). Check with your vet first, to make sure it’s a suitable food for your furry friend.

Final Thoughts – Can Dogs Eat Pasta?

Pasta is not toxic to dogs and therefore a safe food to give to them. It’s not, however, the most nutritious. Pasta is mainly carbohydrate and your pup should be getting all the carbs they need from their healthy dog food.

The odd little bit of pasta or spaghetti, however, can be a fun treat that your dog is sure to love. Just ensure it’s sauce-free and hasn’t been cooked in salt to keep it as healthy as possible!