Can Dogs Eat Quinoa? A Complete Guide To Feeding Your Dog!

can dogs eat quinoa

Quinoa is a yummy, nutritional rice alternative seed that’s been a staple for many people for thousands of years. In recent years, quinoa has become really popular and is often added to salads and as a gluten-free option.

It’s full of calcium and protein and has a delicious, nutty taste. But can dogs eat quinoa? Is it safe for them? And what do you need to think about before adding quinoa to your dog’s diet?

In this guide, we’re going to take you through everything you need to know about giving your dog quinoa and any possible risks.

In Short – Can Dogs Eat Quinoa Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat quinoa. In fact, quinoa is used in many different dog foods as a gluten-free alternative to wheat, rice, and corn. It’s full of fiber and is a great complex carbohydrate.

Quinoa is also yummy and your dog is sure to love the nutty addition to their healthy food!

Health Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Quinoa

There are lots of potential benefits to feeding your pooch quinoa. Quinoa contains:

  • Iron
  • Fiber
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin E
  • Manganese
  • Essential Amino Acids (Such As Linoleic Acid)

These all help your pup to have a healthy, shiny coat and strong bones. They can also help to support your dog’s immune system and digestive system.

Because quinoa is also a good carbohydrate, it can be a great source of energy for your pooch. Many pup parents prefer to feed their dogs quinoa because it’s less calorie heavy than other alternatives, such as wheat. But, your pup also gets enough carbs to allow them to run around the field all afternoon!

Is Quinoa Safe for Dogs to Eat?

When researching ‘can dogs eat quinoa?’, you might have read about Saponin. Saponin is a naturally occurring compound that the quinoa plant produces to repel insects and bugs. There is some concern that Saponin can cause intestinal irritation and inflammation in both canines and humans.

Usually, however, quinoa has relatively low levels of Saponin. If, however, your pooch has a particularly sensitive stomach, you might want to check with your vet before feeding your pup quinoa.

playing dog

What To Think About Before Feeding Your Dog Quinoa

Before adding quinoa to your dog’s diet there are a couple of things to think about.

  1. Wash the quinoa. Washing quinoa helps to remove traces of Saponin. It also removes any pesticides that may have been used.
  2. Cook quinoa. Raw quinoa is difficult for dogs (and humans) to digest. Always cook quinoa before feeding it to your pooch.
  3. Introduce it slowly. Whenever you add something new to your pup’s diet or dog food, it’s best to add it little by little. Although unlikely, food allergies can be a concern. Give your pup a small amount of quinoa and monitor them for any signs of reaction such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Can Dogs Eat Red Quinoa?

Yes! Dogs can eat all different colors of quinoa. They contain similar nutritional benefits and can be a good addition to your dog’s food and diet.

Just remember to introduce it to them slowly.

Can Dogs Eat Uncooked Quinoa?

Uncooked quinoa is difficult to digest. Although not toxic to dogs, it’s better for their stomachs and teeth if you give them cooked quinoa.

Can Dogs Eat Quinoa Instead of Rice?

Rice is a common ingredient in many dog food, including fresh dog food. Some doggy owners, however, prefer not to feed their pets rice. Quinoa can make a great alternative. It’s important, however, that your dog is getting enough (and not too many) calories.

Their diet should consist of nutritious, healthy, and balanced meals that give them all the energy they need.

How Much Quinoa Can Dogs Eat?

How much quinoa your pup can eat really depends on their breed, size, and calorie needs. It also depends on whether you want to incorporate quinoa into their meals or simply give the odd spoonful as a nutritious snack.

If you make your own doggy meals, always consult with a vet or canine nutritionist first. It’s essential dogs get all the nutrients they need and enough calories.

If you’re wanting to add quinoa as a snack, it’s best to stick to the 10% rule. This means that 90% of your dog’s diet should come from well-balanced and good-quality dog food. The other 10% can be nutritious human foods such as peas, strawberries, or apples.

Feeding quinoa to your dog will give them a boost of extra nutrients, but they need other foods too to stay happy and healthy.

can dogs have quinoa

How to Share Quinoa Safely With Your Dog

If you’re eating quinoa, there are a couple of things you need to think about before sharing with your pup.

Quite often we cook quinoa with seasonings and spices which could be toxic to dogs. These include both onions and garlic.

You might also have added a sauce that contains high levels of salt which can cause problems for your pup if they eat too much.

The best way to let dogs eat quinoa safely is to serve them plain and cooked quinoa that doesn’t have any seasonings or added extras.

Sum Up – Can Dogs Eat Quinoa?

Quinoa is safe for you to feed your pup. It’s a gluten-free food so a great option for dogs that have allergies.

Just remember to feed it to them washed, cooked, and with no added seasonings or salt. As with all new food, give your pup a little to begin with and monitor them for any signs of a reaction or allergies.

And, if you want to add it as part of their meals, check with a vet or canine nutritionist first so you can be sure your dog is getting enough food.