Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Everything You Need to Know!

can dogs eat kiwi fruit

The thought of sharing healthy food with our dogs is a joy for many pet owners. But it’s important to know how your dog will react to different foods. That includes delicious fruit like kiwi. Of course, kiwi is a nutritious and tasty fruit for humans. But can dogs eat kiwi? What benefits does kiwi have on dogs?

Should you be worried if your dogs eat kiwi too often? And what should you consider before serving up a few slices of fresh kiwi to your pup? Here’s everything you need to know about giving kiwi to your dog! 

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Safely?

Yes. Kiwi fruit is safe for dogs if consumed in small quantities. From a human standpoint, kiwis are a solid snack with a healthy composition. This delectable fruit offers a good dose of nutritional value, making it great for our consumption. A rich source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins, the nutrients in kiwi can also benefit dogs. 

Dogs need certain nutrients that help maintain strong hair, skin, and overall health. In saying that, dogs and humans have different nutritional requirements. The exact benefits of kiwi fruit on dogs are not fully understood, but it’s generally safe for your pup to eat kiwi fruit in moderation.

Because of the difference in canine nutritional requirements, you might want to think about fresh dog food for your pooch. Many brands use canine nutritionists to specially formulate food. It’s often pre-portioned too to help with weight maintenance.

brown dog eating from bowl

Is Kiwi Good For Dogs?

Kiwi offers more known health benefits for humans, so it’s okay for us to include kiwi as a portion of fruit in our routine diet. On the other hand, dogs should be given kiwi as a treat and not a meal replacement for dog food. An occasional kiwi treat may offer a small amount of nutritional value, but too much of this fibrous fruit can negatively impact a dog’s digestive system. Check out our blog on how often pups need to eat if you’re unsure.

Are There Any Health Benefits If Dogs Eat Kiwi?

Kiwi Can Boost Immunity For Dogs

When it comes to dogs, some of the nutritional components in kiwi can actually help their immune system against infections. The vitamins found in kiwi – such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin K – are good for healthy skin, while other nutrients can fortify strength and muscle growth for your pooch.

Kiwi May Help With Digestion

Is your dog often suffering from constipation? Kiwi might help. Enzymes present in kiwi can actually help dogs digest processed food such as kibble. Kiwi skin is a part of the fruit that has a high amount of roughage or insoluble fiber. That means it can speed up the passage of food in the intestines, making digestion easier.

Can Dogs Eat Golden Kiwis?

Yes! Golden kiwis are quite similar to green kiwis, with only a slight difference in taste and color. Same in nutritional strength, golden kiwis are just as safe to give to your dog. Again, it’s best to maintain a healthy balance and avoid serving too much of the fruit to your canine. 

It’s good to know more about other delicious fruits that you might consider giving your pet. Some of these include peaches, raspberries, avocados, and watermelons.

can dogs eat golden kiwi fruit

What To Know When Giving Your Dog Kiwi

Kiwi fruit having several nutritional benefits doesn’t mean there aren’t any risks for your dog. While there isn’t anything in kiwi that’s considered particularly toxic for animals, it’s crucial to keep a few things in mind before giving your dog kiwi.

Don’t Give Your Dog Whole Kiwi

Feeding kiwi whole to your dog isn’t a great idea. A full kiwi, including the kiwi flesh and skin, contains a high amount of insoluble fiber. This type of fiber if consumed in large quantities can cause loose stools or diarrhea.

A whole kiwi can also end up lodged in a dog’s throat. While smaller breeds may not be able to grab an entire kiwi in their mouth, larger dogs can easily try to swallow the whole fruit and end up choking. To make it easier for your pet, cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces. This will make it easier for them to digest and enjoy the safe snack.

Too Much Kiwi Means Excess Sugar

In addition to some great nutrients, kiwis are naturally sweet with a high sugar content. Dogs eating kiwi frequently along with a healthy and adequate meal can be at risk for obesity or diabetes. Excess sugar can affect a dog’s physique and weight, leading to mobility challenges.

Be Wary of Allergies or Adverse Reactions

If it’s the first time your dog has eaten kiwi, take note of any allergic reactions. Not every dog will react the same to new additions to their diet. Signs can range from difficulty breathing to gastrointestinal issues. 

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Skin?

The skin of kiwi is high in fiber, which is normally seen as a benefit. However, consuming an excess of kiwi skin can make dogs constipated due to the extra fiber. This may start as discomfort, but serious constipation left untreated can further affect your pet’s health.

Some Dogs React Differently to Natural Treats

Not all dogs are the same. And that applies to how they react to food as well. Your neighbor’s pooch might love kiwi and have the gut health to digest such fruit easily. But there’s a chance that your dog doesn’t react well to kiwi. Before you feed your dog kiwi, it’s good to be aware of any health concerns. Take note if a small portion of the fruit causes bloating or an upset stomach for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Seeds?

In large quantities (actually, more kiwi than dogs should be eating anyway) kiwi seeds can be toxic to dogs. Much like cherries and plums, they contain a compound that can release cyanide. If your dog eats a lot of kiwi seeds they could run into problems and you should contact your vet.

Even though they’d have to eat a lot of them to become ill, its better to be safe than sorry, so try to remove kiwi seeds before giving them to your dog.

kiwi fruit on tree

Introducing Kiwi to Your Dog

As with most additions to a dog’s diet, there are a few things to consider if you’re planning to introduce kiwi as a treat.

Give Your Dog Small Amounts

A great way to introduce kiwi to your pup slowly is through small batches of bite-sized kiwi pieces. Spreading some on a lick mat can be an interactive way of introducing it. Overfeeding could lead to diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, or obesity. In small quantities, your dog might not receive all the nutrients, but they’ll have minimal risk of health concerns. Small pieces of kiwi are easier to digest, especially for pups with sensitive stomachs.

Peel The Kiwi Beforehand

While the skin has some nutritional value, it may not sit very well with dogs. It can lead to constipation because of the high fiber content. Dogs eat a varied diet, but your canine may not like the texture or the taste of kiwi fruit skin. So the safest thing to do is to avoid it altogether. Peel the kiwi and cut it into small slices before serving your pooch.

Ask An Expert

If you plan on adding kiwi or other human food to your pet’s meal plan, it’s a great idea to get expert consultation. The safest thing to do in any case is to consult a veterinarian to be certain of what you should give your dog and how often.

Conclusion: Can Dogs Have Kiwi?

The simple answer is yes. It’s safe if dogs eat kiwi occasionally. But putting safety above all else, it’s best to know the pros and cons of every fruit you’re introducing to your pooch. Dogs can eat kiwi and benefit from the vitamins and nutrients in the fruit, but the presence of soluble and insoluble fiber makes it safer as an occasional treat. Check with your dog’s vet on what type of fruit you can include in their meals and how often you can introduce snacks like kiwi.