Can Dogs Eat Coconut? Is This Delicious Snack Safe?

can dogs eat coconut

The FDA lists coconut as a tree nut, but it’s technically a seed of a drupaceous fruit! These tree nuts are a versatile treat rich in minerals and MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) and have numerous health benefits. Coconut milk, flesh, and oil are the most popular ways to enjoy this tasty treat, but there are other ways people and dogs enjoy coconut.

So, can dogs eat coconut? Coconut meat and coconut-derived products aren’t toxic to dogs, but as with most things, you want to offer them in moderation. Even though it’s nontoxic to dogs, too much coconut can cause gastrointestinal upset for pups, which makes coconuts a great option for the occasional tasty treat. 

Can Dogs Eat Coconut Meat?

The short answer is, yes, dogs can eat coconut meat. However, you don’t want to feed them too much. Coconut meat is rich in minerals like manganese, copper, iron, and selenium, all of which are good for dogs. It’s also full of MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), which are fatty acids that are perfect for energy production and maintaining a healthy weight. 

Just like pineapples, the meat of a coconut is also a great source of vitamin B6 and antioxidants. However, coconut meat is very high in fat and fiber, and large amounts can cause digestion problems if dogs eat too much. 

You can feed your dog coconut by adding a few pinches of shaved coconut meat to their food once a week. This will allow them to enjoy the benefits of coconut while enjoying a great occasional snack too.

can dogs have coconut milk

Can Dogs Have Coconut Water, Milk, Etc.?

While the flesh is great for adding some healthy fats, minerals, and antioxidants into your dog’s diet, there are tons of coconut-derived products that humans love and want to share with their best friend too!

Dogs can eat coconut water, coconut milk, and other products as long as it’s part of a healthy and balanced diet. Check out our recommendations for feeding your dog coconut-derived products:

  • Coconut milk is fine to give to your dog in small amounts and will provide them with a boost of essential electrolytes. However, sweetened coconut will have too much sugar, so make sure you stick with the unsweetened version!
  • Coconut oil is a great source of healthy fats. However, you should only give your dog small amounts of this type of oil as it lacks essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6. Giving your dog small amounts of oil is also good thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. If you’re unsure, check with your vet.
  • Coconut flour is a great option for baking healthy dog treats! Use it to make doggie cookies and offer it to them when they give you the side-eye at the dinner table.
  • Giving your dog coconut water is a great way to give them a boost of helpful electrolytes.

Feeding coconut products to your dog is a good way to introduce some extra nutrients into their diet. The main thing to remember with feeding your dog coconut is to give them everything in moderation. Many things humans eat and love, like pistachios and other nuts, are best given in small amounts to our canine friends. 

Can Dogs Eat Coconut Shells?

Preparing food with an excited pup in the house can be challenging, especially when you’re dealing with parts that look appealing to your dog. When you bring whole coconuts into your home, it’s helpful to know which parts they can’t eat.

The shell of a coconut is not edible and could cause serious damage if your dog gets a hold of them. A coconut shell is very tough and hard to chew. Feeding a coconut shell to your dog can lead to big health problems like choking and intestinal blockages, which will require an immediate vet appointment!

Always use caution when digging into a coconut around your dog! Keep them in another room and dispose of the inedible parts immediately. The safest option is to put the coconut husk straight in the garbage and bring the bag outside.

can dogs have coconut

Are There Health Benefits to Dogs Eating Coconut?

Humans and dogs will benefit from eating coconut flesh or drinking some coconut milk. When you feed your dog coconut products, they’ll enjoy the following benefits:

  • The healthy fats in coconut will help maintain your dog’s energy levels and burn off excess carbs.
  • Studies suggest the nutrients in coconuts can improve your immune system
  • Coconut provides them with plenty of essential minerals such as selenium, manganese, Vitamin B6, copper, iron, potassium, and phosphorus.
  • Coconut oil has been shown to improve skin and hair health, especially when applied topically

Are There Health Risks?

There are some risks associated with dogs eating coconut. This tree nut is very high in fats and fiber, which can cause serious digestional upset for pups. If you give your dog too much coconut or offer it too frequently, then it could lead to diarrhea and other digestive system problems. 

While it’s true that coconut and its derived product have anti-inflammatory properties, it’s also full of lauric acid. Lauric acid increases blood lipid levels, which can lead to weight gain and inflammatory problems.

Another reason coconut needs to be given to dogs sparingly is that it contains high levels of fat and calories. Along with the concern for weight gain and obesity, it could also lead to your dog developing pancreatitis, so it’s important to give small amounts only as an occasional treat.

How To Serve Coconut to Your Dog

There are tons of creative ways you can serve coconut to your dog. A simple method is to add small shavings of coconut flesh or a teaspoon of the oils to their food. Dogs love variety in their diet, especially when it’s food they see their humans eat, so try some of the following creative ideas to serve coconut to your furry friend.

  • Make ice pops with unsweetened coconut milk
  • Use coconut flour to bake some tasty puppy treats
  • Use coconut oil when cooking up pork or eggs
  • Mix a little coconut water into their water dish for a boost of essential electrolytes
puppy eating

How To Use Coconut Oil Topically

Coconut oil can do wonders for skin conditions caused by cracked and dry skin. It also helps strengthen the health of their coat. Use a shampoo made of organic coconut oil or simply use plain coconut oil in place of their regular shampoo during their weekly bath to help their skin and coat shine.

You can also rub coconut oil into their paws if you notice the skin there becoming cracked and too dry. This is a great tip for pet owners who live in very dry, arid climates. If your skin is getting dry, then your pup’s probably is too! Coconut oil will help the skin heal and soothe any hot spots.

Can Dogs Have Coconut Safely?

Coconut is safe for dogs to eat in small amounts. It shouldn’t be a main component of your dog’s diet, but it’s fine in moderation. There are many benefits of coconut for dogs, including improving the health of their skin and coat, boosting their immune system, and providing them with helpful nutrients.

Try ice pops in the summer to help keep them hydrated and cool, or use coconut flour to bake up some tasty treats. Make sure to keep checking back with BarkingTalk for more epic puppy advice!

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