Can Dogs Eat Black Beans? A Complete Guide!

can dogs eat black beans

Beans are a highly nutritious food choice for your doggo. Black beans – in particular, contain more fiber & magnesium than other legumes – making them a more advantageous option for humans, but can dogs eat black beans? Are there any benefits? What about the risks?

It’s important to understand the potential advantages & disadvantages for your furry friend.

We’ll cover everything so you can make an informed decision on whether your pup can enjoy some of your favorite snacks. Let’s dive in! 

Are Black Beans Good for Dogs?

It’s a common misconception that black beans aren’t suitable for fido – but the truth is – there’s not much evidence to back it up. In fact – they can make a valuable contribution to your pup’s diet! 

Packed with fiber, essential vitamins, minerals & protein– they can provide many health benefits. As with other foods such as seaweed, beets, kiwi, etc., it’s always best to check in with your vet before feeding your dog black beans – particularly if your fluff ball has a sensitive stomach. 

Plus, a bonus – black beans have a low glycemic index – so there won’t be any big spikes or dips in your fluffy friend’s blood sugar levels.

Can Dogs Eat Black Beans?

For sure – black beans are a good food option for your beloved pup! 😋 

They can do wonders for their blood sugar, fat-burning capabilities & immunity. Dogs require essential nutrients like thiamine to maintain good health, regardless of their age. Black beans contain this nutrient along with other beneficial nutrients.

Other than black beans, your furry best friend can also eat the following:

  • Lima beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Navy beans
  • Garbanzo beans

But before you start adding them to your pooch’s meals, chat with your vet first.

Though dogs are omnivores & can benefit from the proteins found in beans – animal-based proteins are much better for them nutritionally. 

Plus – be careful not to feed them black beans every day – they can be too high in fiber for some doggos. 

black beans

Health Benefits of Black Beans:

As pet owners, we all want the best for our furry friends. Luckily – black beans pack a nutritional punch and can help keep your pup feeling his or her best. 

Here are the major health benefits black beans offer.


Your furry friend’s body has its own protection from the damaging effects of free radicals, known as oxidation. But to give them extra protection against these sources of cellular harm, it also relies on the antioxidants found in their food. 

Your pup can benefit big time from antioxidant-rich black beans! 

These powerful compounds fight off free radicals – which can cause a range of health issues when they pile up in the body – think joint and arthritis problems. 

Antioxidants neutralize these harmful molecules & keep your fluff ball feeling its best. Make sure you sprinkle some beans into their meals—they’ll thank you for it! 😊

Vitamin C & K

Black beans are a great source of vitamins C & K

Your pup’s liver can make its own vitamin C – but at times, a supplement can be beneficial. It’s not necessary for healthy dogs – yet if they’re feeling unwell or anxious – then it could help them recover faster. 

Their supply of vitamin K is also important – as it helps the blood clot, which is vital in healing wounds & injuries. 

Without clotting, even small cuts could be deadly! So having the right levels of vitamins C & K are essential for your furry friend’s health.

Fiber & Protein

Black beans are a good source of fiber and protein – containing 6.2 grams of protein, 7 grams of dietary fiber & 7.1 grams of carbohydrates per cup (25% of the recommended daily intake for dogs & cats). 

They also have abundant B vitamins. If your furry best friend experiences constipation or diarrhea – black beans can be beneficial for relieving these issues.

Manganese & Potassium

Manganese (Mn) is abundantly found in black beans. This nutrient is essential for your buddy’s fatty acid production, protein digestion & energy generation. Plus – it helps keep bones & cartilage in joints healthy – just what your pup needs.

Manganese also plays a key role in several enzymes and ensures the optimal functioning of your dog’s body. 

Plus, they provide the powerful mineral potassium (K)—which helps promote strong bones & teeth – as it works in conjunction with phosphorus & calcium. 

It also keeps the pH levels in check – so your pooch has plenty of calcium in its blood & bones. 


Your furry buddy needs iron (Fe) daily to transport oxygen in its red blood cells & help metabolism. A cup of black beans provides roughly 25% of the recommended amount – containing 2.9 mg of iron – a great source! 

It’s important that your fluffy friend gets enough of this mineral for their body to function normally. Plus – it helps to keep their energy levels going.

In addition – black beans are a good source of folate, phosphorus, and magnesium & they also supply omega-3 fatty acids – all are good for your fluffy best friend.

Risks of Black Beans

It’s not safe to give your dog raw black beans – they contain a toxin that cooking will destroy. However – some dogs may be allergic to cooked black beans the same way people can be. 

Before you offer them to fido, here are some things you need to know: 

  • If your canine friend eats too many black beans – they could get an upset stomach, vomit, or have diarrhea because they cannot digest the bean’s sugars. 
  • These legumes have a compound called phytoestrogens – which may disrupt their hormones. Too much of this could cause reproductive problems or even cancer in small breeds like the Chorkie.
  • Some medications can affect how your canine buddy’s body processes black beans & cause negative effects. Check if any supplements or medications your fido is taking could interact with phytoestrogens (and ask your vet).
  • You don’t want to give too many carbs to your fluffy pooch – they can lead to digestion issues.
black dog

Recommended Amount of Black Beans for Your Canine

These beans can be beneficial to your fido – but it’s important to keep them as a small part of your dog’s diet. Try not to go over 10% of their calorie intake – this would mean one to two tablespoons at most (depending on how big your dog is and how much they eat). 

To stay healthy – your beloved furry friend requires varied fresh dog food – so keeping this an occasional treat is best. Even though they have high amounts of protein & carbs – your canine buddy needs a diet that leans more towards the former. 

Using black beans as a primary source of protein for your pooch isn’t a good idea – animal-based proteins are a better option

Still – they make a great complement when mixed with rice, meat & veggies to create an overall nutritious meal. Your pup needs a varied diet of fresh food to stay healthy.

Cooking Black Beans for Your Pooch

Preparing black beans for your canine companion doesn’t have to be challenging – you can easily cook them in a slow cooker or on the stovetop. Keep seasoning out of the mix, though – that means no garlic, onion, or salt. 

If you’d like to start with dried beans: 

  • Place them in a large bowl & rinse them. 
  • Soak them overnight in fresh water.
  • After soaking – discard the water from the beans & transfer them to a pot. Add fresh water to the pot & let it boil for 10 minutes or more.
  • If you haven’t had time to soak the beans overnight – you can simply boil them in a pot of fresh water & then let them simmer for 2 hours. 
  • After cooking – pour the contents into a strainer to remove excess liquid.
  • Cool the beans by rinsing them with cold water until they are at a temperature that can be handled. 
  • Serve the dish after pouring out the water.

Can Dogs Eat Refried Beans?

Your dog can eat refried beans as an occasional treat in moderation. Nevertheless, here are some things that you must remember:

The high carbohydrate content of refried beans can lead your dog to obesity (if overfed). 

Furthermore, the high sodium content of pre-made refried beans can be detrimental to your pooch’s health (when consumed in large quantities). Make them yourself and avoid any seasonings.

can dogs have black beans

Can Your Dog Consume Canned Black Beans?

It’s not a good idea for your beloved pup to eat canned beans since the phytic acid in them keeps minerals from being absorbed & can cause mineral deficiencies as well as stomach issues. 

In addition – it should be noted that canned black beans also contain lectin – a toxin that can potentially lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

You should also avoid giving your pooch baked beans.

Final Word – So Can Your Dog Consume Black Beans?

So – there you have it. Your dog can consume black beans – but only cooked beans in moderation. Remember – black beans are very rich in fiber & carbohydrates – therefore it’s essential to watch your pup’s portion size when introducing them into their diet. 

Additionally – always ensure the beans are pre-soaked & cooked thoroughly before feeding them to your fluff ball.

Just remember to always check with your veterinarian before making any dietary changes & never feed your canine companion anything that could potentially make them sick.

There are also plenty of other human foods that your lovely friend can enjoy as an occasional treat.