Can Dogs Eat Pretzels? Here’s What You Need To Know!

can dogs eat pretzels

I don’t know about you, but my dog is always super interested in what I’m eating. I can’t open a cereal box, head to the snack cupboard, or peel a carrot without him popping up to investigate. While some human foods are healthy for dogs and even add nutrition to their diets, others are not good for them and may even be toxic.

So what happens if I’m tucking into a pack of pretzels? Can dogs eat pretzels? What about soft pretzels? Or peanut butter pretzels?

Be sure to read this blog before feeding your pup this delicious human snack.

In Short, Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?

The answer to that question is: maybe. Let’s break it down a bit…

Pretzels are not a good snack choice to give your pup. They contain a lot of salt and calories which dogs really don’t need in their diets. But if your dog eats one or two occasionally, nothing bad is going to happen.

However, some pretzels are toxic to dogs and can be seriously dangerous.

Pretzels come in lots of different sizes, textures, and flavors. Some of the salty varieties may contain onion and garlic seasoning which is toxic to dogs and some of the sweater ones, especially fudge or yogurt-covered pretzels, may contain xylitol – an artificial sweetener that can be fatal.

The Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Pretzels

Just like dogs eating bread, there’s no real benefit to feeding your dog pretzels. Whilst some pretzels aren’t toxic to dogs, they don’t give them any nutritional value either.

Most pretzels are full of extra calories, sodium, and sugar which can affect your dog’s health. If they don’t contain any toxic additives such as onion powder, eating pretzels occasionally isn’t a problem, but it’s certainly not beneficial.

soft pretzels

Dangers of Feeding Dogs Pretzels

If you happen to give your pup a couple of hard-baked pretzels (that don’t contain any of the toxic ingredients we’ve discussed) you won’t be causing them any problems. It might not be good for them, but it won’t be bad either.

The real dangers come when there are extra additives. Flavorings and artificial sweeteners aren’t just full of salt and sugar, they can be fatal for dogs.

Never give dogs pretzels that contain onion or garlic powder or xylitol. If your pup does manage to get its paws on a pretzel with these ingredients, contact your vet right away.

Other dangers come when you feed your pup too many pretzels (even the ones that don’t contain toxic ingredients). Too much sodium can cause problems such as salt poisoning which can affect your pup’s heart and kidneys.

Signs of salt poisoning in dogs are vomiting, diarrhea, increased urination, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

Too much salt and increased calorie content can also lead to weight gain. Overweight dogs might suffer from joint pain and even diabetes.

Whilst the odd, safe pretzel is OK to give your dog, you’re much better off feeding them healthy dog treats instead. These could include chunks of apple, asparagus, peach, or zucchini.

How Many Pretzels Can Dogs Eat?

Really, dogs shouldn’t eat any pretzels. There are other, much healthier options to feed pups.

However, one or two pretzels are not going to harm your dog (as long as they don’t contain toxic ingredients). So don’t worry if they eat one.

Don’t feed them too many and always check for toxic additives.

Your pooch should be getting all the nutrients they need from healthy, canine-specific dog food. Fresh dog food is a good way to introduce veggies into their diet and it can also help with portion control. 10% of your dog’s diet can be healthy human treats.

pretzel sticks

FAQs Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?

Can Dogs Eat Pretzel Chips?

Pretzel chips are small, hard-baked pretzels that are so delicious and addictive to eat! Dogs can eat a couple of these, just as long as they don’t contain any toxic ingredients. But that doesn’t mean they should…

Can Dogs Eat Pretzel Goldfish?

Dogs can eat these, but they shouldn’t. Pretzel Goldfish crackers contain lots of salt which isn’t good for doggos.

Can Dogs Eat Soft Pretzels?

A soft pretzel is very much like bread. And like bread, dogs can eat it but it doesn’t give them any added nutrients or health benefits. In fact, it’s mostly just calories, salt, and sugar. If your dog eats a little soft pretzel it shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s not a treat we’d recommend giving them often.

Can Dogs Eat Yogurt-Coated Pretzels?

Many yogurt-coated pretzels contain xylitol which is toxic to dogs. They may also contain extra sugars which are bad for your pup’s health. In general, try to avoid sweet pretzels.

Can Dogs Eat Honey Mustard Pretzels?

Nope! Even though they’re delicious (and probably my favorite type of pretzel) mustard is toxic to dogs. Even though dogs can eat honey, these pretzels are also likely to contain onion or garlic powder which, as we know by now, is toxic to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Salt-Free Pretzels?

Salt-free pretzels are a little healthier for dogs, but it’s still not the best snack to give your dog. Even salt-free pretzels contain too many calories which pups don’t need.

Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon Pretzels?

Dogs can eat cinnamon but… as you might have guessed, cinnamon pretzels are not a good idea for dogs to eat. Not only are they usually full of sugar and extra calories, but they may also contain xylitol.

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter Pretzels?

Dogs love peanut butter, and safe peanut butter is a great training tool for pups. Like lots of sweet, yummy things, many peanut butters contain xylitol. It’s best to avoid giving dogs peanut butter pretzels, but if you do, always check the label for toxic ingredients.

yogurt pretzel

The Bottom Line – Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?

To summarize, some pretzels are toxic to dogs and some are not. Even the ones that are not toxic are not good for our pups. They contain lots of salt and calories which can lead to problems such as obesity and salt poisoning if your dog eats too many.

If your dog eats the odd pretzel that does not contain xylitol or onion and garlic powder, nothing will happen to them. But if they eat one containing any of these ingredients, you should contact your vet straight away.

Check out the BarkingTalk Food Page for alternative, safe, and healthy snacks to feed your pup.