Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells? Are These Crunchy Shells Safe?

can dogs eat egg shells

Dogs are treasured family members, bringing us love, joy, and loyal companionship. But do they have the same taste for food as their human counterparts? We’ve all seen dogs eat some odd things (one of the oddest is dogs eat cat poop – really). But can dogs eat egg shells?

Eggshells are generally safe for dogs in moderation. They provide an excellent source of protein and calcium, essential for maintaining strong bones. But overconsumption could lead to gastrointestinal issues or blockages, so it’s best to consult a vet before introducing them into your pup’s diet.

In this article, we’ll discuss the safety of dogs eating eggshells and how to ensure that your pup enjoys a safe and healthy diet.

Are Eggshells Safe For Dogs To Eat?

Eggshells are safe for dogs to eat in small amounts and provide a range of health benefits. They provide calcium and phosphorus, needed for strong bones and muscles, as well as trace amounts of essential minerals like copper, zinc, iron, and manganese.

It’s best that eggshells are not part of your pup’s regular diet, but they make an excellent occasional snack due to their crunchiness which helps with cleaning teeth as they chew. So, enjoy feeding your pup some eggshells – in moderation and in small pieces!

Note: Always cook the shells first, as raw eggshells can pose a risk to salmonella.

What Are the Benefits of Feeding My Dog Egg Shells?

Adding powdered eggshells to your dog food can be a great way to give them the essential minerals they need for a healthy lifestyle. Eggshells are packed with nutrients that help promote optimal health and enhance nutrition in dogs.

Here are some of the main advantages you can get from feeding eggshells to your four-legged friend:

Stronger Bones 

Eggshells are a great source of calcium and phosphorus – two essential minerals for strong bones. Calcium is key in aiding the formation of new bone mass, while phosphorus helps to maintain existing skeletal structures.

By providing your pet with eggshells as part of their diet, you’re giving them an excellent source of these important nutrients that will help keep their bones in good health.

Healthy Teeth 

Having healthy teeth and gums is important for your pup’s overall well-being, and eggshells contain the calcium that can help to keep their smile strong.

By incorporating these shells into their diet, your canine companion will benefit from a boost of enamel-strengthening nutrients that may help to prevent cavities and other dental issues.

Joint Support 

Eggshells are a great source of minerals, such as chondroitin and glucosamine, two compounds that are essential for joint health. They help reduce inflammation and provide cushioning between joints so your pup can stay active and agile. This ensures they can move comfortably, giving them the freedom to explore their environment with gusto.

Improved Digestion 

Eggshells are high in calcium, aiding digestion and reducing symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Calcium supports the digestive system’s functions for a healthier overall gut.

Muscle Strength

Eggshells are an excellent source of protein, which is critical for repairing damaged tissue and aiding post-workout recovery. Feeding your pup eggshells helps them maintain a strong, active physique.

Protein also helps build muscle mass, providing essential support for continued physical activity. So don’t forget to add some eggshells to your pup’s diet!

Related: Can Dogs Eat Ham? Is it Safe for Your Loved Pet?

dog looking at eggs

Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?

Feeding raw eggs can be a great source of additional nutrition for your dog. However, there are certain risks associated with raw egg consumption that you should consider before feeding your dogs eggs.

Cooking the eggs eliminates any bacteria and makes them easier to digest, as well as giving your dog access to essential vitamins and minerals. So before you give your pup raw eggs, think about the risk and consider cooking them first.

Can Puppies Eat Egg Shells?

Puppies can safely eat eggshells if they are given in small amounts. However, it is essential to remember that puppies have delicate digestive systems and can quickly become ill from consuming too much calcium or other minerals found in eggshells. It is best to start slowly feeding your puppy eggshells, as too much could result in an upset stomach and other digestive issues. 

Should I Be Concerned if My Dog Eats a Lot of Eggshells?

Eating too many eggshells can result in an upset stomach and other digestive issues for your pup. Additionally, excessive calcium consumption can lead to kidney stones, bladder stones, and other health issues. If you suspect your little Pomsky may have eaten too many eggshells, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately. They can advise on the best course of action to take and may recommend changing your dog’s diet or other treatments. 

Are There Any Risks to Feeding My Dog Eggshells?

There are potential risks associated with feeding eggshells to your dog if they haven’t been cooked or appropriately sanitized, as bacteria may cause food poisoning. Consider the risks before giving your pup this treat.

Choking Hazard: Eggshells can pose a choking hazard, so it is essential that they be broken into small pieces before feeding to your pup. Avoid the risk – grind them down for their safety.

Salmonella Risk: Raw eggs can contain salmonella, so the potential risk of contamination is something to consider when feeding your pup eggshells.

Vitamin Overdose: Too much calcium and other nutrients from feeding eggshells to your pup can cause health issues, such as kidney stones or bladder stones.

Allergic Reactions: Pets may be allergic to eggshells, so it’s important to observe them carefully while feeding. Look out for any signs of discomfort, such as skin irritations or other reactions.

Blockages: Eggshells can be a hazard to your pup if left too large – causing intestinal blockage. Make sure you break them down into small pieces before feeding them to your dog.

Don’t take any chances – keep them safe!

Further Reading: How Long Can a Dog Go Without Eating?

egg shells

What Is the Best Way To Feed Eggshells to My Pet?

The best way to feed eggshells to your pup is by grinding them into a fine powder and mixing it in your dog’s food. However, it is essential to note that eggshells should be given in moderation and only after being in small pieces, as large pieces of eggshell can be a choking hazard for dogs.

If you want to give your pup a nutritious snack or supplement, opt for some eggshell powder to sprinkle into their commercial dog foods! It’s a great way to get your puppy the calcium they need safely and healthily.

In Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells?

Dogs can eat eggshells, but it’s important to take precautions. Avoid giving large amounts as they can be choking hazards and cause digestive issues. The shells should also be properly cooked to avoid food poisoning. If you feed your pup eggshells, break them into small pieces in moderation. Eggshells are a great source of calcium for your pup, but be sure to check with your vet before making major dietary changes.

Have you ever fed eggshells to your pup? How did they like it? Let us know in the comments! Happy Snacking!