Can Dogs Eat Cabbage? Is It Good for Them?

can dogs eat cabbage

Cabbage is one of the many low-calorie healthy vegetables that offer several nutritional benefits. It’s a popular addition to a variety of meals and snacks. But can dogs eat cabbage? Is cabbage safe for dogs? What happens if dogs eat raw cabbage? And just how often can dogs eat cabbage without adverse reactions to their overall health? Whatever your question may be, we’ve got the answers to adding cabbage to your dog’s diet!

Is Cabbage Safe for Dogs?

Yes! Cabbage is typically safe for dogs. But as with any human food that dogs eat, moderation is key. Cabbages contain a compound raffinose that can produce gas, which can be troublesome for dogs that may be prone to an upset stomach, bloating, or other digestive issues. This is also the case with dogs eating Brussels Sprouts.

It’s best to consult with a vet about feeding your dog cabbages if you know they’ve got a sensitive tummy or weakened immune system. If you’re interested to know about other greens and dog-safe vegetables, check out zucchini, edamame, and peas.

Can Dogs Eat Cabbage Raw?

Yes! Raw cabbage is generally safe for dogs to consume. It’s important to make sure you wash the vegetable before serving. Since cabbages are quite solid when whole, it’s best to chop raw or cooked cabbage to prevent choking hazards. While you can serve cabbage in a variety of ways, boiled or steamed cabbage can help your pooch with proper digestion.

Can Dogs Eat Cabbage As A Snack?

Yes. Dogs can eat cabbage as a snack, but be sure to avoid seasoning such as onions, garlic, and oils. These can be toxic for your pet. Shredded cooked cabbage is a great snack for dogs. Combined with other leafy green vegetables, green cabbage or red cabbage should take up less than 10% of your dog’s diet per day.

One way of feeding your canine cabbage is by adding small cut pieces into their regular meals. This is an effective method of diversifying their intake while giving them a hearty meal. You could even serve it with some fresh dog food.


Health Benefits Of Cabbages For Dogs

Cabbages have several nutritional benefits that can work like a charm in improving your dog’s overall health. Antioxidants, for example, help against free radicals. Here are some of the essential nutrients in cabbages that make cabbage a great treat.


Cabbages consist of essential vitamins, which include Vitamins C, K, and B6. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help your dog with inflammatory reactions and also limit cognitive aging. While dogs can make their own vitamin C in the liver, supplementing their diet can be beneficial for dogs that are sick or stressed. Vitamin K provides the essential proteins that help with the proper clotting of blood. Vitamin B6 helps with the production of blood cells and the development of protein structures and balances the potassium-sodium levels in your dog’s body.


The beta-carotene found in cabbages can help supplement any lack of vitamin A in your dog. It improves eye health and acts as an antioxidant, preventing disease and infections. In fact, beta-carotene may even help reduce the risk of cancer.


Just like for humans, high-fiber foods greatly help your dog’s digestive system. Fiber helps prevent the development of bad bacteria that could lead to constipation or diarrhea.

chopped cabbage

What to Consider Before Serving Cabbage For Dogs

When feeding cabbage to your dog, a little bit of caution goes a long way. To ensure you safely feed your dog, here are some things you can keep in mind.

Clean and fresh produce

It goes without saying that raw produce should be clean and free from contaminants. Fresh produce can have residue from chemicals like pesticides. Opt for organically produced vegetables where possible and ensure they’re fresh to keep your four-legged friend from harm. Look out for softened or discolored leaves, indicating a spoiled cabbage. Discard any cabbage that has an off smell.

Cabbage prep

Cabbages have a tough and leathery texture. This makes them harder to chew on and digest for pooches. Instead of going for an entire cabbage, serve your canine cabbage in small quantities like bite-sized pieces to avoid choking hazards. This is especially important for smaller dog breeds with narrower throats as they’re more prone to choking.

Portion sizes

The portion you serve depends on your dog. Cabbages, along with other dog-safe snacks, should in total make up 10 percent of your pet’s daily intake. Larger dogs can eat about 4 to 5 cups of food a day, while small dogs might eat a single cup. You can calculate the portion size based on the appropriate meal size for your particular dog breed.

Age of your pup

It’s best to give your dog cabbage once they’re adults. Growing pups have their own dietary needs and may have stomach sensitivities. Adult dogs have a highly developed digestive system that makes the proper digestion of cabbage easier. Consult with a vet to learn more about your pup’s specific requirements.

Allergic Reactions

Despite being a dog-safe food, not every dog will react the same way to new food. Dogs can develop allergies to even cleaned cabbages. Some notable symptoms are diarrhea, lethargy, itching, and fever.

Can Dogs Eat Green Cabbage Or Red Cabbage? Does It Matter?

It doesn’t matter. Both red cabbage and green cabbage are typically safe for your dog to consume. Green cabbage varieties include Napa, Savoy, Bok Choy, Choy Sum, and Cannonball, and these are all safe food items that dogs can eat. Although red cabbages are known to be nutritionally richer, they do have a stronger, peppery taste. Another variety of cabbage includes January King, the popular purple-colored cabbage that can be a great treat in the winter season.

red cabbage

How Much Cabbage to Feed Your Dog

As advised by vets, vegetables in total should make up about 10 percent of your dog’s daily intake. Along with other dog-safe foods, like lettuce and beets, cabbages are safe to serve in small quantities.

What Are The Dangers If Your Dog Overeats Cabbage?

Cabbages, along with brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower, are cruciferous foods and contain raffinose. This is a compound that can build up gas. Too much raffinose could lead to bloating and discomfort. This can also be a problem with black beans. Small amounts with a balanced diet can help avoid gas buildup. Ensure your pooch gets a healthy mix of protein, fats, carbs, and fiber-rich food so they stay happy and healthy.

Another effect of too much cabbage is hypothyroidism. Thiocyanate is a natural compound in cruciferous vegetables that can influence thyroid secretion. To avoid this outcome, it’s best to cook this danger out of the cabbage, and serve your dog steamed or boiled cabbage.

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Too Much Cabbage

One-off instances are unlikely to cause harm. But if your dog has eaten too much cabbage on several occasions, look out for symptoms of gas build-up such as frequent gas expulsion, bloating, and stomach rumbling. For hypothyroidism, watch out for changes in their skin and fur coat. Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include lethargy and weight gain. Contact your vet as soon as you notice any of these adverse reactions. If none of these symptoms present themselves and your dog is healthy and happy, there’s nothing to worry about (but try to stop them from doing it in future)!

Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Cabbages?

Cabbages are generally considered safe for dogs. Green cabbage or red cabbage is a low-calorie and high-fiber snack with nutrients that can boost gut health. Packed with fibers, antioxidants, and vitamins, cabbages can offer essential nutrients for your pooch. As long as the cabbage is served unseasoned, in small pieces, and in moderate amounts, your dog can get the full benefits of this tasty vegetable.