Affiliate Disclosure for BarkingTalk

Your support in purchasing through BarkingTalk allows us to continue to create valuable content, pay our workers, and feed our furry friends!

Some of the links on BarkingTalk are affiliate links. When you click on them and purchase products we may receive a small commission. We believe in giving dogs the best, so we will never recommend products or services that we don’t consider to be of value. In other instances, we will clearly mark the blog as “Sponsored” or “In Partnership”.

How We Do It

We love dogs, there’s no denying that. Which means it’s really important to us that your pups get the best quality products, toys, and food available. We thoroughly research all the products to create unique, curated lists of the best ones available for you and your pup. We receive an affiliate commission on products and food sold through our website – at no extra cost to you. We use trustworthy companies and are not loyal to any specific brand or retailer.

Our team of editors checks the products listed on our website regularly to ensure they are in stock and available. Please be aware that products and food items can be subject to a change in price (although we do out best to keep them up to date).

Occasionally, there may also be recalls or revised use recommendations for some products. We recommended checking official announcements and purchasing accordingly.

Affiliate Programs

We are an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases, meaning we advertise and link to . The commissions we earn are at no extra cost to you.

We are also a Chewy Associate and earn commissions based on the products you buy from out site. Other affiliate links are clearly marked and we may earn a commission from these too.